
目前顯示的是 2月, 2024的文章

Junior PM to CEO: Learn How to 'Play Bigger' with My Reading Digest

Learn How to 'Play Bigger' with My Reading Digest It's time to investigate the world of entrepreneurship literature and explore the groundbreaking concepts laid out in the book 'Play Bigger.' As I reflect on my recent completion of this must-read book, I am excited to share with you the innovative idea of 'Category Design' and its profound impact on shaping successful companies. Join me as we uncover the three pivotal concepts from 'Play Bigger' and learn how to apply them to our own entrepreneurial endeavours. Let's begin on this enlightening journey together! The Concept of Category Design Understanding the Play Bigger Philosophy Philosophy While plunging into the pages of "Play Bigger," one cannot help but be captivated by the groundbreaking concept of Category Design . Unlike traditional entrepreneurial approaches, Category Design revolves around the continuous redefinition of problems to unleash a company's growth potential...