Having a personalise E-mail signature

I received a great growth marketing toolkit with 55 different tools on Linkedin, but since others shared it, I couldn't easily repost it with my eyes closed. Plus, even if I reposted the entire toolkit, There should be very few people who really take the time to go in and see and do it one by one, so I decided to teach, even if no one is reading, the future internal education and training of the company can at least save me a lot of time.

I found that the signature generator is the first valuable marketing tool that everyone can learn, and it's free. Unfortunately, the implementation is a little limited, maybe because I use Google's free mailbox. However, I expect to use Google's free mailbox for a while, and it is very common to use Gmail as an E-mail mailbox in the early days of business.

According to HubSpot's blog suggests, the signature file of an E-mail must have 9 elements, but when it is actually implemented, Google will display "character too long", which makes it impossible to fit all the content into the signature file. Hence, there should be some trade-offs and tests.

Below is a diagram to guide how to use HubSpot's signature file generator to make a personal version of the signature file:

1. Step1. Click on this link:


2. Click your mouse again, and you will get into editing page

Since Google has a limitation of characters, I suggest ticking off   "Created With HubSpot." If you don't want to tick it off, your signature will have "Created With HubSpot." This will make you have more characters.  

There are 6 templates. I chose the first one,  and you may choose the one you like. 

3. Enter your signature details

You may put personal IG, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin here. 

4. Change colour and fonts 

I didn't do anything on this page. 

5. Edit Image of your signature

Put your photo and company logo on the cloud (must be smaller than 3MB). Copy and paste links into the profile picture and company logo. 

P.S. If you put Linkedin and Facebook links in "Enter Your Social Links," you will see small icons below. You will go exceed the character limitation according to my experience. 

Similarly put keywords on "Custom CTA," and you will see the new icon. Unfortunately according to my experience, you will go beyond word limitation as well. 

Finally,  I have to say that I might not be right. You should have a try on your own. Having a good E-mail signature would be helpful. 

Here is my signature:

Original article:




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