Cabrito Goat Meat

 As the name suggests, Cabrito Goat Meat is a start-up company that sells goat meat. I've actually seen a similar start-up in Taiwan, but this one in Taiwan sells chicken.

The following analysis also starts from four points:

1. Pain points (I wanted to find some information to help support the team's argument, but I couldn't find it for a while):

According to Cabrito's description: "Male goats are basically useless in the dairy industry, and in British history and culture, goat meat is not eaten, so these male goats are basically euthanized as soon as they are born.

2. Solution:

Simply put, it is to buy the unwanted male goats from these goat farms at a low price, and then resell them to restaurants, wholesale and retail, or sell through their own e-commerce channels.

They extract the value of the whole male goat, cut it into lamb chops, or sell it whole, as well as make ground meat, etc. In addition, they also launched two Ready to eat products, one curry flavor and one tomato flavor.

3. Entry barriers:

- There are no direct competitors -> Just look at this point. Entrepreneurs who generally say that they have no competitors are either inexperienced or the problem they want to solve has their own problems, which means that they may be in To solve a false problem; but in the case of Cabrito, meat is meat, and eating meat is just needed. As long as the meat is delicious, basically no one cares, what kind of sheep it is, or what kind of sheep it is.

- Recognized as an ethical company -> Cabrito has won many awards from ethical practitioners.

This point is actually valuable. There was a Dicos Fried Chicken opposite my house recently. As a result, I am from Yonghe, and there is a saying that Dingxinshi is a black-hearted company and refuses to eat Dicos. To capture packets, it takes a lot of time to repair.

- Past sales performance

Before the epidemic, there were more than 300,000 pounds of sales to restaurants, and 125,000 pounds of online sales in 2021. In addition, the annual growth rate of direct sales to customers is 46%.

- Strong industrial relations

There is no doubt about this. The founder of the company is a former chef and loves goats. The rest will be described later.

- The investment institution is Dalamere, a well-known goat dairy company in the UK

Direct investment from the supply chain is a plus.

4. Team:

- The sheep farm is Delamere, the company that invested in Cabrito

- Co-Founder & MD, James Whetlor has been a chef for 15 years, and is also a KOL in the goat field in the UK. He has published books, appeared on TV shows, and held large-scale events to promote goat meat. Simply put, he loves goats. .

- Co-founder & Director, Sushila Moles has a degree in Anthropology and has worked in the restaurant industry for 20 years

The conclusion goes back to the Haohua chicken mentioned at the beginning. Although the Haohua chicken has collapsed, I have heard several times the founders share how to sell eggs in the Entrepreneurship Elementary School of the Angel Association. The cost of a chicken is 1500. It sold 2,500 pieces. Before the outbreak, Haohua Chicken was really good.

Another example is Ding Lei, the founder of NetEase. One of his entrepreneurial projects is pig raising, and I myself have a friend who has started a business who has raised pigs before. She said that pig raising is super ~~ good~~ profitable.

So from the above example, I think it is absolutely profitable to cut into the goat meat supply chain, buy goat meat at a low price, and then resell it to restaurants, distributors, or directly to customers, and the UK is so big, if Cabrito really There is not much competition, it should be able to live well, overall I give 3.5 stars.

Below is the link to fundraising for Cabrito Goat Meat:

I don't know, how many stars do you give (please leave a message below)?



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